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Ammiel Alcalay & Jill Magi
Ammiel Alcalay and the Lost & Found Initiative Part 2: Further Discussion and Q&A
Interview with Jill Magi | BackLit Talks | NYU Shanghai
Ammiel Alcalay: To Write a Republic - Experience, Heroism, & Poetics in the National Security State
Poetics of Evidence: Ammiel Alcalay in conversation with Hana Morgenstern
Pinsapo Press Reading with Anne Waldman & Ammiel Alcalay ~ January 29, 2021
Body Panel (Alcalay) 1 of 14
Majlis NY: Elsa Saade
New year cel. 12.31.13 space needle exploding
The Hunger for Grandeur : Thinking with Charles Olson.
Sarah Schulman & Prageeta Sharma
underwater footage SEA/swimingpool